Upper Body Exoskeleton, for Load Reduction


The CarrySuit is a passive upper-body exoskeleton designed to alleviate the strain on the hands, arms, shoulders, and back when lifting and holding heavy objects. It features a sturdy exoskeleton frame that extends from the user's hips to above the shoulders and can be easily connected to external payloads via an adapter.

CarrySuit Benefits

The CarrySuit exoskeleton effectively redistributes the weight of the payload to the user's hips, avoiding critical joints such as the wrists, elbows, shoulders, and spine. This design alleviates strain on the muscles in the torso and upper extremities. Measurements of heart rate and muscle activity indicate that the CarrySuit can significantly lessen the burden on users' musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. As a result, work becomes considerably less exhausting and straining.

How Does It Help You

An independent study assessed the extent of load reduction through a series of experiments conducted in a biomechanical laboratory. The findings reveal that the CarrySuit significantly alleviates the strain on arm and torso muscles, as well as lowers the heart rate of its users. Consequently, this leads to a considerably less strenuous and exhausting work experience.

Muscle Load Reduction

What Kind of Work Is Supported?

The CarrySuit is meticulously designed to facilitate the lifting and transportation of heavy loads. Its versatility makes it invaluable across a range of industries, including construction, relocation, warehousing, logistics, and beyond.

See the CarrySuit in Action!


Questions about development:

Q: What Load can be carried:

A: Any load from 0kg to 50kg, which is normally carried by hand.

Q: What is the lifespan/warranty of the CarrySuit?

A: The CarrySuit comes with a warranty of 1 year as well as each payload adapter has a warranty of one year.
Regarding the lifespan, we expect 2 years on the textiles and least 2 years on the metal frame without any issues afterwards.
The reason for the discrepancy between lifespan and warranty is because our customers use the CarrySuit in completely different environments.

Q: Can the payload adapter be replaced?

A: Yes, the replacement can easily be done by the users themselves. The CarrySuit comes with a snap hook, which is the standard payload adapter.
Currently, we also offer different payload adapters for a wide variety of applications (hook, suction cup, clamps, bag, belt). If a special payload adapter needs to be developed for a specific task, we will certainly do our best to meet your request.

Questions about biomechanics:

Q: What level of support is provided?

• General: It depends on the load and the distance.
• For instance, while carrying a load of 20 kg for 3 min, the working heart rate can be reduced by 20%.
• With the same condition we also measured a muscle load reduction of 25% in the lower back and at the neck. An even higher reduction was measured at the big back muscle, the latissimus, which is relieved by 40%.
• Holding load in the standing position: Reduction of muscle activity in the lower back muscles by up to 14%, at the big back muscle by up to 40% and at the neck 46%.

Q: What are the long-term benefits/experiences?

A: At the moment, we do not have any scientific approved long-term benefits. That is because the product is quiet young (launch Mai 2021). A long-term evaluation is part of our current/next steps. Some of our customers are in a testing phase, where they use the CarrySuit for the first time over a period of a month. So they can get used to it and feel the difference between working with and without the CarrySuit.
To be update regularity and provided to all Auxivo employees and distribution partners.
Date : 24.02.2023
Version : 1.0

Q: Does the CarrySuit support the spine during rotational movements?

A: Yes, it does. As the CarrySuit transfers most of the load directly into the hip, the user also profiteers while rotational movements. Generally speaking, the entire upper body is relieved when carrying/moving payloads.

Q: Are there negative effects on other muscles / bodyparts?

A: In the Auxivo laboratory we did not measure any unforeseeable side effect when wearing the CarrySuit.
- When just wearing the CarrySuit (weights 5.6 kg) without a payload a minimal increase in the working heart rate has been measured. This increasement can be compared to some heavy clothes.
- The movement between the hip and the shoulders is restricted by the metal frame, but not completely blocked, as the textile west allows small movements.
Furthermore, the range of motion of the users’ legs and arms are not restricted, so climbing stairs and opening doors is still possible.

Questions in general:


Q: Why should a potential customer buy the CarrySuit, based on lacking long-term

A: Our customers buy the CarrySuit as they face at least one of the following issues and believe that the CarrySuit can be the solution to fix the issue:
• Recruitment: As physically demanding work is for most people unattractive, the recruiting new, young people takes a long time and is expensive. → Make job more attractive by offering an exoskeleton assisting the worker and therefore make the work task less physically demanding.
• Exhaustion: As physically demanding work is exhausting, people’s productivity decreases over a work shift. → Increase productivity
• Injury: Because of the tough circumstances, often people get injured short- /mid-term over time as there is a constant overloading during work → Injury prevention
1 day of injury: € 1,000 - € 2,000 / day (As a guideline, the Swiss accident insurer (SUVA) estimates the costs of absence at CHF 1,000 per working day)
• Early retirement: As people performing physically demanding work more often get injured, over years of work they need to retire early as their body gets weak → Keep employees in the job longer, so many years of experience remain in the company
• Disability: People performing physically demanding work have a higher probability for work-related injuries and to get injured long-term (disability). → Prevention of long-term injuries / disability

Q: How should you start working with the CarrySuit?

A: We highly recommend taking some time and therefore not to wear the CarrySuit over the whole shift in the beginning. A reasonable time span of wearing the CarrySuit is, when all carrying tasks are focused on one time a day. Otherwise, the CarrySuit needs to be taken on and off several times.

Q: Do people like the CarrySuit? Acceptance?

A: Overall, the feedback is positive and people like the CarrySuit. We have seen that there are people that really like the CarrySuit and do not want to work without it anymore. Of course, there are also some that not even give it a try and refuse to listen while we present the CarrySuit.

Q: How to recognize wear and tear?

A: Deformation and cracks in the metal will be seen quite easily. Therefore, we defined a monthly visual inspection. Additionally, the same inspection may reveal signs of wear on the textile parts (if there are any).

Q: Do you need to readjust the CarrySuit between different loads/positions?

• The CarrySuit itself must not been readjusted from load to load. However, the height of the payload adapters needs to be adjusted or even changed in case the geometry of the payload changes.
• In case that you change your position, e.g. changing from working while standing to working while sitting, the CarrySuit should not be uncomfortable. Otherwise a readjustment is necessary.

Q: Is the CarrySuit just for injury prevention or is it also useable for reintegration of
already partly injured people?

A: The CarrySuit is designed to reduce the workload of its user which is achieved by reducing the muscle fatigue and therefore the exhaustion. Thus, the CarrySuit should prevent the user from injuries. We have not tested the CarrySuit for reintegrating injured people so far. Therefore, we always recommend consulting a doctor.

Q: Does the CarrySuit weaken the human muscles over time?

A: No, the CarrySuit aims only to support and relieve the upper body. However, The users still need to do the task by themselves.
Note: Overloading the muscles negatively affects the muscles and can weaken them.

Q: What happens if someone does not adjust the CarrySuit properly?

A: In case that the CarrySuit is not properly adjusted, the user feels uncomfortable (e.g. pressure points) and therefore takes off the CarrySuit. For example, if it is not properly adjusted one metal arm next to your head hits your head when climbing stairs.

Q: Are there any limitations regarding size/gender?

A: In general, the CarrySuit can be worn by women and men. At the moment, we offer the CarrySuit as a one-size solution. Therefore there are
some limitations regarding size. Even though, the CarrySuit comes with a variety of adjustment options that allow individual fitting which currently is suitable for 70%-80% of the people.
• The height of the user is limited according to the back length. So, it can be compared to the T-Shirt size S – XL (S, M, L, XL).

Q: Is the CarrySuit certified? Is there any certification requirement?

A: The CarrySuit has a CE mark. Regarding our discussions with ANSI (US), DGUV (Germany) and SUVA (Switzerland), the CarrySuit is seen as a machine. So, the CarrySuit has been developed according to the requirements of the machine regulatory.

Q: How to clean the CarrySuit?

A: Machine wash at 30°C. Do not use fabric softener. Use mild detergent. Wash separately. Only gentle spinning. Do not tumble-dry.

Q: How to store the CarrySuit?

A: The CarrySuit should be stored in a dry and ventilated place without direct sunlight.

Q: Does the CarrySuit require maintenance? How to perform an inspection?

A: The CarrySuit does not require frequently maintenance. We recommend to conduct a visual inspection of your CarrySuit at least once a month to ensure that there are no problems caused by wear and tear. In case you identify a possible problem, remove the CarrySuit from operation and contact the manufacturer.

Q: The two load arms that reach over the shoulder are in the way when turning the
head. This causes problems for the necessary field of vision at work.

A: The head's range of movement is restricted to a certain extent. Solutions:
- If the work task requires the rotation of the head, an adjustment of the interface can be made. This simply involves wearing the CarrySuit further back.
- In many field tests, it was observed that the head was stretched forward in order to be able to rotate the head adequately. This was done in unpredictable situations without any problems.

Q: The metal frame seems too big. In tight environments it will be impossible to turn
yourself. (Oversized)

A: Maneuvering and general handling of the CarrySuit requires a period of familiarization, depending on the application. From youngest experience, it can be said that for the extra size, you get a good feeling over time, as with a backpack that is worn.

Q: The metal components (scaffold and carabiner) may scratch nearby objects.

A: To avoid scratches on surrounding objects, we offer a textile covering for the carabiner and in the near future for the whole CarrySuit.

Q: The payload can be in view when worn and can therefore be a tripping hazard.

A: Stumbling is one of the most common causes of accidents in the moving industry. Move the load to the side, walk sideways, look well ahead.

Comparison between active and passive systems

Q: Given the competition from active systems, what guidance would you have in
formulating value proposition beyond cost/benefit (although that’s a big one in our
opinion) specific to active systems?

• CarrySuit comes at a low price and causes only minimum follow-up costs as costs for maintenance, service needs and associated are highly affordable. This allows that not only individual workstations/employees can be equipped, but entire areas if required.
• CarrySuit is a rather lightweight solution because it is a passive system. Typically, active systems are heavier and larger, as they have motors,
electronics and power supply integrated. This typically results in a situation, where the workers have to move around with the additional
weight which in itself makes the movement exhausting.
CarrySuit is a passive system and does not need recharging after a certain amount of walking distance / time of use. This enables the user to take it with him anywhere without the need to organize recharging the batteries.
• CarrySuit interface is washable → That’s why it can also be used at places where hygiene is highly important.
• Simple to use. Passive system without the need to boot it up first.
• Comfortable as it has a textile interface

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